Monday, September 5, 2011


Spring has sprung...

My favourite season of the year.

Flowers bloom, birds sing and the cheerful household is a nice change to the gloomy, cold months of winter.

Today was a trip to Queen's Park. The beautiful flowers all in bloom were magnificent to behold.

The Carnival of Flowers is slowly making its appearance.

The thing everyone in Toowoomba looks forward to. The reason Toowoomba is called 'The Garden City'.

I won't be here when it actually starts but at least I was able to experience Queen's Park in full bloom before going away to Canberra.

It's spring. I will be thirteen in three days.

I'm happy.

p.s. do you like my new watermarked photos? i thought that it was better than the old one 'roses and bluebells photography' because it was too long in my opinion.. what do you think?


  1. Lovely pictures! The flowers are divine.
    Have a wonderful birthday!

  2. Fall is starting where I live ;)

  3. lovely photo's! yes, i LOVE sping too! :)

    ~Bri xxx

    p.s. i like your new 'holly faith' better. :P

  4. Great photography Holly! Yes I like this new watermark better then the last one! :)

    Happy Birthday on 8th!

  5. Lovely post. I also like "Holly Faith" better :)

  6. Thanks Girls for the feedback! I think I'll stick to 'Holly Faith' from now on : )


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